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5 Tips to Boost Your Self-Confidence

5 Practical Tips to Boost Your Self-Confidence: Advice from a Personal Coach

When we see or interact with confident people, it’s easy to assume they’ve always been this way. They were just born confident. The truth is, this confidence they have is something they have acquired over time. It’s a skill they have developed. 

Below are 5 practical tips you can start practicing today that will help you boost your self-confidence. 

Identify what specifically you need to be more confident with - people who report having low self-confidence are often lacking confidence in one of a few specific areas, such as public speaking, a certain skill, social confidence, etc. Isolate those specific areas only rather than thinking you are not confident. This alone will make you feel better.

Spark conversations often - Being socially confident will massively boost your self-confidence. Spark conversations wherever you can, with strangers, shop assistants, person at the bus stop etc.

Smile - yes, I said it. You may think that smiling won’t help you, however, when we smile it sends a signal to our brain about how we feel. Confident people smile and are more relaxed. You have 100% control over your smile. Smile more and smile often.

Stop Catastrophising - very often, people who struggle with confidence spend a lot of time thinking about how things may go wrong and what people think of them. If you keep thinking about horror scenarios, you will find it hard to be confident. Unless you’re a director of horror movies, think of positive things.

Sign up for public speaking - public speaking is one of the most boosting skills for self-confidence. There are many public speaking classes and courses such as Toastmasters (all over the world). When you get comfortable speaking in front of people, you’ll be amazed how much it will boost your confidence. 
5 Tips to Boost Your Self-Confidence

5 Tips to Boost Your Self-Confidence


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